Jessica Young Poetry

Award-winning poetry

Young's individual poems and essays have appeared in several dozen literary journals, and in venues such as The Huffington Post.

Versal was the first journal to publish a poem of Young's, "autosomal dominant," which it then nominated for a Pushcart Prize.  Years later she wrote a follow-up poem, "Autosomal Dominant: Case 2," that was published by Sugar House Review.

Over at Rattle you can hear a recording of Young reading "Instructions Included with Telescope."  At Verse Daily, you can read a poem from her chapbook, Only as a Body, called "When he left, how many birds did he leave?"  A Capella Zoo, a journal dedicated to speculative writing, honored her piece "from the human-suit series" with their Apospecimen Award and later included it in their "Best Of" anthology.   

It's rare to find a short story of Young's, mostly because she's yet to brave that world too much, but one such piece, "Fallen Bird," does exist on MIT's OpenCourseWare.